Honorable Mention Storyboard 14°edition

Francisco Negroni
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Sony Ambassador, National Geographic Explorer and represented by National Geographic Image Collection, Chris Schmid, has dedicated his life to documenting the natural beauty of our planet. His photographs and films are an invitation to discover the world with wide eyes and vibrant enthusiasm. His aim is always the same: to approach nature right at its heart in order to raise awareness around the fragility of our earth and inspire action to preserve it. Specialising in wildlife and documentary photojournalism, with special attention to big cats, the quality of Chris’ work is reflected in the widespread recognition he has received. His photographs have been published in magazines such as National Geographic, BBC and GEO, and he has won numerous awards for his photography and shortfilms. But these prizes have never been his motivation. His tireless efforts to document and protect the few remaining areas of wilderness are fuelled by a love for the natural world and a desire to protect what's left.Chris is deeply committed to wildlife conservation and works closely with WildAid, an environmental organisation based in San Francisco with the aim of reducing demand for illegal wildlife products. Chris is also a contributor to the Remembering Elephants, Remembering Great Apes and Remembering Lions projects, the Born Free Foundation fund-raising book and exhibition, illustrated by the worlds finest wildlife photographers.His work is represented by National Geographic Image Collection. Please send any licensing inquiries to ngimagecollection@natgeo.com or visit natgeoimagecollection.com.Chris Schmid is available for commissions and speaking engagements internationally. He can be reached at chris@schmidchris.com.Skills:Certified UAV DGAC drone specialist, over 200 commercial hours, Heavy lift/Inspire 2Extensive experience of capturing images and producing photographs and videos of wildlife in their habitatsRemarkable knowledge of proper use of photo cameras, video cameras (RED and Sony cameras) and lensesRonin Operator (including Ronin MX and Ronin 2)Knowledge of wildlife tracking methods and management of environmental issuesMotion Control Timelapse
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