Author name: Stefan Betz

The passion for nature has always been there. The stay and the experiences outside in forest or hall are for me again and again my little break from everyday life. With my pictures I want to pass on these experiences and inspire other people for nature. My main focus is in the wilderness on the doorstep. My photo studio is located in the vicinity of my place of residence Karlsruhe (with some exceptions) and with every ramble through the nature I discover again new facets of my adopted home. Other visited areas are Portugal and Sweden. Since 2013 I am a full member of the Gesellschaft Deutscher Tierfotografen (GDT) and active in the regional group 13 Baden. Since 2019 I form together with Torsten Bittner the management team of the RG XIII. The GDT stands for me not only for photography, but also for the idea of ​​nature conservation and the mission with our pictures to inspire people for nature. For me, the picture does not count - I just like being outside. Often I just sit around and watch. In many situations, when I get the impression that I'm bothering, I withdraw. In my opinion, one picture should not be above the good of my motive. That's why I often come home empty-handed and am happy to know that I know that behind a hedge in the forest a little fox family can grow up secretly and I might even meet them at the edge of the forest. When I go to the residence, I work a few weeks later and see if the animals react to me and then look forward to when the animals make me feel like part of their daily routine.Invia commenti

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